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We've been watching our community:

  • Go to the Masjid once a week

  • Go to the annual conference

  • Enroll children in Islamic schools and waiting for them to come out superheroes

    We've been content with a steady job, a nice house & car, and a college degree. But how much progress are we making?

    It's time to inject that motivation fuel, that energy, and that sincerity into our brains, hearts, and bodies. It's time to wake up. Because an Ummah that doesn't progress and evolve in its "content-with-living-day-to-day" mentality is an Ummah waiting to become extinct.

    The Majid Leadership Revival Program (MLRP) is about taking the community to the next level. We still need conferences, Islamic schools, and Jumaa of course. Each of these instruments serve a function in the community. They are a solution to a problem. But today, there are too many problems and not enough solutions. Problems like: parenting, youth counselling, marriage issues, media, Islamophobia, personality conflicts, business integrity, spirituality, apathy for knowledge, practicing the fundamentals of Islaam are rampant among the majority.

    So what function does MLRP serve? We're here to generate volunteers and create community leaders. Each leader that comes out of our program utilizes their talents/strengths to initiate a much-needed project in the community, whether it's a new project or an existing project part of the Masjid.


We believe that every masjid should have an MLRP program. And we believe that once the elders and administration in the Masjid realize that we 


I'll leave you with the message on our business card (we call it a "reflection card"). It's the message we want to convey to every young person, because they are the future. They are our biggest investment. And if they are not supported today, they will not support the Masjid and community tomorrow. Nothing can be further from reality.


We spoke about what's important to you, the community, and what makes some people more successful than others. The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. If you really care about the Ummah, then realize you only have ONE LIFE to do anything about. You will never get a second life. The numbers below correlate to ayaat that changed the lives of men who reflected by themselves and who conquered half the world.

Masjid Leadership Revival Program 1-647-123-4567




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